第 36 课:American stores 美国各种类型的商店-3

Another popular shop is the "dime store," sometimes referred to as the "five and ten." 另一种很受欢迎的商店就是"10美分店",有时也称为"5分10分店。"

No longer selling many things for five or ten cents, these stores got their name in the last century when it was decided that a small profit on a great quantity of goods would be better than a large profit on fewer sales. 这些商店的名字是上个世纪起的,那时簿利多销总比厚利少销要好,这是很清楚的。

Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of inexpensive items and today, prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars. 10美分店专门经营种类繁多的便宜货,今天的价格是25美分或50美分,直到几美元的东西都有。

If you need a small item and don't want to spend very much, the dime store is likely to have just what you are looking for. 如果你想买一件小东西,但又不想多花钱,那么10美分店里很可能就会有正是你所要撒谎的那件东西。

The United States is also known for its "supermarkets," where huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold. 美国以其"超级市场"而称著于世,超市里出售大量的花色品种繁多的食品和日用品。

These stores offer good quality food at lower prices than smaller food stores. 超市所供应的食品与较小的食品店比较起来质量好,价格低。

The vast majority of Americans do all their food shopping in supermarkets. 绝大多数的美国人都在超级市场里采购食品。

One of the most interesting sections to visit is the frozen food section. 冷冻食品部是人们最有兴趣去的部门之一。

With discoveries in methods to preserve food, almost every kind of food can be frozen and yet keep its original flavor. 冷藏食品的各种方法问世以来,几乎各种食品都可以冷冻并且能保存原滋原味。

Since frozen foods require so little time to cook, they have naturally become very popular everywhere in the coutry. 因为冷冻食品所需要的烹制时间很短,所以在美国冷冻仪器自然就成了到处都受欢迎的食品了。