第 360 课:A.I. 《人工智能》-1

Any Steven Spielberg film is eagerly anticipated by his millions of fans, and his upcoming movie A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is no exception. 只要是史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格执导的电影,就会有无数的影迷翘首以盼,即将上映的新片《人工智能》自然也不例外。

Since many of its details have been kept secret, the movie is surrounded in conjecture. 由于细节保密到家,人们都在对这部影片做各种猜测。

The film has had a long journey to the screen, starting as a conception of the late director Stanley Kubrick eighteen years ago. 这部影片酝酿甚久方搬上银幕,构想源自已故制作人斯坦利·库布里克18年前的灵感。

Kubrick had Spielberg in mind to direct the film and the two communicated about the project for seven years before Kubrick's death. 库布里克一直想让斯皮尔伯格执导该片,两人因此沟通达七年之久。

The task then fell to Spielberg to make the film as true to Kubrick's vision as possible. 库布里克逝世后,斯皮尔伯格遂一肩挑起重担,尽可能让影片忠于库布里克的构想。

A.I. is based on a short story by Brian Aldiss that illustrates the isolation inherent in an overpopulated, high-tech world. 《人工智能》是由布赖恩·奥尔迪斯的短篇小说改编而成,描述了在人口过剩、高科技的世界中难免产生的固有的疏离感。

The movie takes place in the future when dire environmental predictions have come to fruition with the polar ice caps melted by global warming. 电影背景设在未来,极地冰层因温室效应融进汪洋,所有环境恶化的预言悉数兑现。

In this new landscape, coastal cities are submerged and people rely increasingly on computers, especially a new prototype which possesses self-awareness-that is, artificial intelligence. 到那时,沿海城市尽遭淹没,人类对电脑的依赖日益加深,尤其仰仗一种拥有自我意识的新机种──即“人工智能”。

The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.电影故事围绕一个机器人展开,他很难过地发现自己原来不是一个真正的人。

Kubrick claimed that the movie was not a prediction about the future, but rather a "future fairy tale.. ." 库布里克认为这部影片不是某种对未来的预言,而是一个“未来的童话”。

Besides the highly talented Jude Law, William Hurt, Sam Robards, and Robin Williams (as the narrator) star in the film, which promises to be a fascinating, finely crafted glimpse into a strange, possible world. 本片由才华横溢的裘德·洛领衔主演,主要演员还包括威廉·赫特、萨姆·罗伯兹等等,罗宾·威廉斯为旁白,期待能带给观众一个销魂蚀骨、精雕细琢、光怪陆离却未尝不可能实现的世界。