第 372 课:The Facts on Faminism 柳暗花明女权路-1

The word feminism conjures up a variety of images for people. 提起“争取女权运动”这个字眼,每个人都会产生不同的想法。

A lot of misunderstanding and hyperbole have surrounded feminism, but according to the dictionary, feminism is simply a movement for the social, political, and economic equality of men and women. 对争取女权运动误解或夸大其词的人不少,但字典里, “争取女权”仅指要求两性在社会上、政治上,及经济上拥有平等权利的运动。

While feminist theories have surfaced from time to time in history, the modern feminist movement's roots are in the Age of Enlightenment with its principles of individual justice. 随着历史的变迁,女权的理论也随 之变化,而现代女权运动则是产生于注重个人公正的启蒙时代。

In the United States, these ideas were put into action by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others who issued a Declaration for Women's Independence in 1848. 在美国,这些理念是由伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿等人付诸实施的,他们于1848年发表女性《独立宣言》。

A central demand of their nascent feminist movement, women's right to vote, was achieved in 1920 after a 72-year battle. 在争取女权运动发展的初期,其核心要求是争取女性投票权,经过72年的奋战,终于在1920年得到了这一权利。

Feminism reached the popular consciousness in the sixtieth with the leadership of women like Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and Angela Davis; the passage of the Civil Rights Act prohibiting employment discrimination, and a lot of media exposure. 60年代,在格洛丽亚·斯坦能、贝蒂·弗丽达,及安杰拉·戴维斯等女性的领导下,《民权法案》通过了关于禁止雇用员工时的性别歧视的条例,媒体的曝光率的提升,使争取女权运动为公众所认知。

Some primary issues of this time were equal pay, equal education access, freedom from sexual harassment, and the right to safe, legal abortions. 当时一些主要要求是同工同酬、平等受教育的机会、免于性骚扰,及安全合法的堕胎权。

In the eighties, many feminists claimed that there was a backlash4 against feminism in the media, popular culture, and the political right. 80年代,许多女权主义者称,争取女权运动在媒体、大众文化,和政治权力上遭到了强烈抵触。

The nineties saw some of this media-driven backlash, as well as the appearance of a new strain of youth feminism," Riot Grrrls", who emerged from the punk movement. 90年代,由媒体主 导的反对声浪犹存,同时期也出现了被称为“Riot Grrrls”的争取女权运动的新思潮,这是自朋克运动孕育而生的。

While many people agree with the dictionary definition of feminism, few claim to be feminists for a number of reasons. 尽管多数人都同意字典中对争取女权主义运动的定义,但由于种种原因,很少有人敢说自己是女权主义者。