第 384 课:The Deep End 暗夜摇篮曲-1

Ready for a moody film noir? "The Deep End" is set to entertain with its hallmarks of the genre: gritty characters, improbable plot twists, and lush visuals which earned it the award for Best Cinematography at this year's Sundance Film Festival. 想看一部阴郁的黑色电影(注)吗?《暗夜摇篮曲》正准备以它的这类特征来娱乐观众:果敢坚毅的角色、匪夷所思的剧情转折,以及丰富的视觉效果, 从而荣获今年圣丹斯电影节最佳摄影奖。

Based on Elizabeth Sanaxy's novel "The Blank Wall", the film is the second feature by David Siegel and Scott McGehee, whose previous film, "Suture", contained similar themes about the disruption of stability. 这部影片是根据伊丽莎白·沙娜希的小说《The Blank Wall》改编而成,是戴维·西格和史考特·麦基合作的第二部 影片,前一部影片《缝合》与本片相似的主题是关于社会安全遭到破坏。(注:犯罪电影的一种,以晦暗的摄影手法与背景不祥的音乐作为烘托,着重描写愤世嫉俗的反派角色)

The story revolves around ordinary mom Margaret Hall (Tilda Swinton), whose quiet suburban life is disturbed when she finds out her 17-year-old gay son is seeing a sleazy bar owner. 故事围绕一位平凡的母亲玛格丽特·霍尔(蒂尔达·史温顿饰)展开,当她发现自己17岁的同性恋儿子与邋遢的酒吧老板交往时,她平静的郊区生活因此而被搅乱了。

The story intensifies when she finds said lover dead near the family's property. Thinking that her son must be involved in the murder, Margaret springs into protective-mother gear and disposes of the body, without thinking of the consequences. 而在她发现所说的情人死在她家附近后,故事情节就更加激化了。想到她儿子肯定卷入这起谋杀案,玛格丽特立即进入保护子女的角色,不计后果地处理了尸体。

The nightmare is indeed far from over, when unsavory associates of the man come to blackmail Margaret with an amateur porn tape of her son with his lover. 恶梦到此并未结束,这个男人的狐朋狗友们拿来业余爱好者拍的她儿子和他情人的色情录影带来勒索玛格丽特。

Margaret and the blackmailer, Alek (Goran Visnjic), end up developing a strange bond, which is part of the film's payoff. 玛格莉特和勒索者亚历克(高伦·维斯吉克饰)最后发展成一种奇特的关系,这是电影高潮的组成部分。

Never sinking into melodrama, the story is buoyed by ironic twists, Swinton's considerable acting ability, and evocative cinematography. 本片从未沦为情节剧,故事以讽刺性的曲解、史温顿出色的演技,令人回忆的摄影得到维系。

The film has also earned kudos for respecting the audience's intelligence and never taking the easy way out. 影片也因为尊重观众的智慧,绝无投机取巧,敷衍了事而赢得了赞赏。

The widespread distribution of "The Deep End" marks a departure for Tilda Swinton, an icon of independent film. 暗夜摇篮曲》的广泛发行标志着一个独立制片的偶像蒂尔达·史温顿的一个新的开始。