第 396 课:From Hell (I) 地狱追魂帖-2

She drives him to risk everything to expose the conspiracy and corruption that cloak her would-be killer. 她使他不顾一切要揭开所有的阴谋与腐败,揪出隐匿其中想谋杀她的凶手。

The film retells the story in all its graphic glory. 这部电影活灵活现地重现了杀人狂故事中的所有场面。

Its dark imagery and forboding tone pervasively detail the struggle to survive not only Jack the Ripper, but also the degradation and hellish squalor of 19th-century London. 片中幽暗的影像和预言式的风格,详细深入地描述了人们在杀人狂杰克的魔掌下,在19世纪伦敦堕落和地狱般的悲惨景况下挣扎求生。

By the time he was 13, Johnny Depp was smoking and drinking heavily, abusing drugs, had been arrested for petty theft and vandalism, and had lost his virginity. 十三岁的时候,约翰尼·戴普就开始放肆地抽烟、酗酒、吸毒,还曾因轻微的盗窃罪和蓄意破坏罪而遭到逮捕,也失去了他的童贞。

From there, Depp took what would seem to be his destined path into rock and roll. 从此,戴普就走上了这条似乎命中注定的路,进入摇滚乐界。

He emerged as a competent guitarist and garage rocker with his band, The Kids, once supporting Iggy Pop, a well-known icon of self-abuse. 他成为“The Kids”乐队中出色的吉他手和“garage”(注)摇滚乐手,该乐队曾替颓废派的知名偶像Iggy Pop做过暖场演出。

By the age of 22, Depp had married and divorced make-up artist Lori Ann Allison. 二十二岁时他跟化妆师洛里安·阿利森结婚后又分手。

Allison played a pivotal role in Depp's success by encouraging him to take up acting and introducing him to the now hugely successful Nicolas Cage. 阿利森在戴普的成功之路上扮演了非常关键的角色,她鼓励他从事表演事业,并把他引荐给现在事业如日中天的尼古拉斯·凯奇。