第 40 课:Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills

READING SPEED - Another good reading habit is reading fast. 阅读速度--还有一种良好的阅读习惯就是快速阅读。

The expression "haste makes waste" does not apply to reading. 不能把"欲速则不达"这句话套用到阅读上。

In fact, most people read much too slowly. Right now you are probably reading this slower than you need for good comprehension. 事实上绝大多数人的阅读实在是太慢了。也许此时此刻你在新闻记者本文时的速度要比为了更好地理解本文所需要的阅读速度更慢。

Studies show that fast readers are the best readers, and that slow readers often lose their concentration and comprehension abilities because their minds will wander out of boredom. 多次调查研究都表明了,读得快阅读效果最好,读得慢就不能集中精神,因而也就丧失了理解力,由于感到枯燥,思想上就会开小差,心不在焉。

Remember, nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly. 切记,阅读速度太慢只能妨碍你集中注意力。

Your mind will keep up with your reading speed if you ask it to. 如果你要求你的思路能与你的阅读速度保持同步,那你是能做到的。

By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the material. 一贯用你所能达到的最快的速度来阅读,向你的理解力挑战,那么把你的思想全神贯注到所阅读的材料上就是很容易做到的了。

VOCABULARY BUILDING - For a person with good reading habits, a printed page contains not only words but ideas, actions, thoughts and feelings. 积累词汇--对于一个养成了良好阅读习惯的人来说,每一页文字资料里不只是包含一些词句,还饮食有一些观点、行动、思想和感情。

But all these things are built on words. The more words you are familiar with, the less you are ware of reading words and the more you are aware of content and meaning. 但是,这一切都是通过词汇表达出来的。你所认识的词汇越多,你越会觉得你不是在阅读一个一个的孤立的单词,你越会更加去体会文章的内容和作者的意思。

Expanding your vocabulary will help you to read more effectively and rapidly. 扩大了词汇量将会帮助你读得效率更高更快。

Many people simply skip over words they do not understand. 很多人干脆把他们所不认识的词跳过去不管它。