第 401 课:The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham

Her husband, Phil Graham, was a bright young lawyer who took over at the Post in 1945. 她的丈夫菲尔·格拉罕曾是一位很出色的年轻律师,他1945年接管了华盛顿邮报。

The couple became a popular part of the Washington social scene. Behind the facade, however, lay a different story. 夫妇俩成为颇受华盛顿社交届欢迎的一对。然而,他们私下又是另外一种状况。

Phil was given to wild mood swings and abusive behavior that caused Katherine a great deal of mental anguish. 菲尔喜怒无常的情绪变化和虐待行为带给凯瑟琳精神上巨大的痛苦。

He suffered from manic depression, which gradually got worse, culminating in his suicide when Katherine was 46. 他深为躁狂抑郁症所苦,病情日渐恶化,最后在凯瑟琳46岁时自杀身亡。

Suddenly, she found herself in control of the Post. 突然间,她感到管理邮报的责任落在了自己身上。

Despite her personal tragedy, Graham was determined to keep the Washington Post in the family, and took over the day-to-day running of the paper herself. 尽管个人的境遇悲惨,格拉罕仍决心要为家族保住《华盛顿邮报》,她接管了邮报每日的运作。

Skeptics who had doubted her ability to make a success of it were dumbfounded as her enthusiasm and tenacity proved them wrong. 当她以热忱和执着证明了那些曾怀疑她能力不足的人是错误的时候,他们都哑口无言。

Graham was never afraid of making a courageous decision. Against the advice of the Post's lawyers, she sided with her editors and published the Pentagon Papers. 格拉罕从来不怕果断地作决定。她不听从邮报律师们的劝告,而支持她手下的编辑们,发表了《五角大楼文件》,