第 402 课:The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham

The papers were top secret documents about the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War. 这些文件是有关美国卷入越战的最高机密文件。

She later remained steadfast in the face of government pressure not to pursue the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. 即使面临政府施加的压力,要她不要再追究后来迫使尼克松总统下台的水门事件,她始终立场坚定。

Graham handed over the control of the Post to her son in 1991, when she was 74 years old. 1991年,葛拉罕74岁时,将掌管邮报的权力移交给了她的儿子。

By that time, she was often being described as the most powerful woman in America. 那时,她常被形容为美国最有影响的女人。

Whether or not that was true, few would disagree with the assessment of one of her many admirers, that without her, Washington “would have been a much less civilized place.” 无论这种说法是否正确,相信多数人都会认同她众多仰慕者之一给予的评价:没有她,华盛顿“就会是远不如现在文明的地方”。

Avid readers who look to biography for inspiration could do worse than pick up a copy of Katherine Graham's Pulitzer Prize-winning “Personal History.” 想从传记中获得启发的热忱读者,不妨选读凯瑟琳·格拉罕获得了普立策奖的《自传》。

It is a rich chronicle of momentous events and the people that played their part in them. 它是一部记载重大事件及参与其中的相关人物的内容丰富的编年史书。

It is also the fascinating story of a person of character and values that many would like to emulate. 同时也是一部引人入胜的故事,人物的性格和价值观都是大家愿意仿效的。