第 41 课:Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills

This, naturally, hurts their overall comprehension. 当然,这样会妨碍你对文章的整体理解。

Other people stop at each new word and look it up in the dictionary, but this method can slow down your reading, affecting concentration and comprehension. 还有些人一遇到生词就停下来查词典,这种做法也会减慢你的阅读速度,会影响你不能全神贯注不能全面理解。

But you can build your vocabulary without using a dictionary each time. Here are two rules: 每遇到生词,你可以不用去查词典,就能扩大你的词汇量。这里教给你两手绝活:

Pause for a moment on each new word and let it register in your mind. 一是每遇到一个生词,你稍稍停留片刻,把这个生词先存贮到脑海里;

Try to guess what the word means from context clues, from the words around it. 二是从上下文所提供的线索,从这句话的语言环境来试着猜一猜这个词的意思。

What happens with this method is that you will see the word again and again. 使用这种方法就会出现这样的情况:在下文中你会一遍又一遍地见到这个词。

Each time you will have a stronger impression of the meaning. Soon, the new word will be familiar and its meaning clear. 每再见到一次你就会对该词的意义有更强烈的印象。不久,这个生词就会变成熟词,那么它的意义也就清楚明白了。

The key to the method is to be alert to new words. Don't skip over them. 使用这种方法的关键是要处处留心那些生词。不要对这些生词置之不理。

You'll find you are adding to your vocabulary each day and a good strong vocabulary is a great help to reading quickly and with strong comprehension. 这样,你就会发现你的词汇量每天都在扩大。有了很丰富的词汇量才能极大地提高你快速阅读的速度,才能使佻理解得更深刻。

Good reading habits like these can help students and working adults alike to be more successful. 像上述这些良好的阅读习惯能帮助学生们和在职的成年人取得更大的成熟。

The special world of school and the real world of school and of everyday life can be more comfortable, productive and rewarding with the addition of simple yet important life skills such as good reading habits. 由于养成了这些良好的阅读习惯,增强了这些简单易行的重要的生存技巧,在校读书的特殊环境,学生和日常生活的真实环境,就会变得更舒适,你就会取得更大的成就并从中获得更大的益处。