第 415 课:Sight for Sore Eyes 激光手术,大饱“眼福”-2

Then, a laser is used to reshape the lower layer of corneal tissue. 然后,用激光修整下层角膜组织的形状。

After the corneal flap is lowered back into place, it quickly adheres to the eyeball. 割开的角膜复位以后,就会迅速地附着在眼球上。

The procedure immediately improves the focus of light on the retina. 这种手术能立即矫正光线在视网膜上的焦点。

After only one day of recovery, patients already notice a significant difference, and about 70 percent regain 20/20 vision. 只需要休养一天,病人就能发现明显的不同,而且其中百分之七十左右能恢复正常视力。

However, Laser eye surgery is not without its risks, so Lasik is not for everyone. 然而,激光眼科手术并不是一点风险都没有的,因此也并不是每个人都适用。

If you are considering Lasik surgery, you should first consult an ophthalmologist and a refractive surgeon to see what is best for your particular situation. 如果你正在考虑是否要进行激光手术,你应该先请教眼科医生和视力矫正外科医生,针对你的个别情况找到最好的治疗手段。

After all, you have only got two eyes---and they need to last a lifetime. 毕竟,你只有两只眼睛,而它们是要用一辈子的。