第 418 课:Shallow Hal 庸人哈尔-3

She became bitten by the acting bug and later quit college to pursue a film career which has met with great critical and commercial success. 她像中了邪般地迷上了表演,随后放弃了大学学业,投身已取得评论界和商业界的巨大成功的电影事业。

Her movie debut came in 1991 with “shout,” starring John Travolta. 1991年,由约翰·屈伏塔领衔主演的《呐喊赤子》是她的电影处女作。

She won her first real acclaim, though, in “Flesh and Bone,” which set her on the path to fame. 然而她第一次真正赢得赞赏是在《无情天地有情天》,从此她便走上了成名之路。

In 1995, she landed a fortuitous role in “Seven” opposite Brad Pitt. 1995年,她偶然地获得了在《火线追缉令》里与布莱德·彼特演对手戏的角色。

A much publicized two-year romance with Pitt followed, culminating in an engagement and subsequent breakup. 随后她跟彼特谈了两年恋爱,被媒体大肆渲染,他们订了婚,最后却以分手收场。

One of Hollywood's more prolific actresses, Paltrow has starred in 15 films since 1998. 帕特洛是好莱坞作品较多的女演员之一,从1998年起,她共主演了15部影片。

Her greatest acclaim so far has come from the period pieces “Emma” and “Shakespeare in Love,” the latter which earned her a Best Actress Oscar. 古装片《爱玛姑娘要出嫁》和《莎翁情史》为她赢得了至今为止最高的赞誉,后者还使她赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。

Now with “Shallow Hal,” Paltrow has the opportunity to show her comic side while broadening her already considerable talents and fan base. 现在,《庸人哈尔》一片,使帕特洛有机会表现她作为喜剧演员的一面,拓展了她已经相当傲人的才华,吸引更多的影迷。