第 421 课:Transvaluing Transsexuality 江山易改,本性能移-3

A greater understanding of gender dysphoria has led to methods of reassigning transsexuals to a congruent sex. 对性别焦虑状态有了进一步的了解,便产生了将变性欲者重新分配到适合自身的性别中去的种种方法。

These include hormone treatments, which soften the skin and enlarge the breasts of men and deepen the voice and increase facial hair in women. 其中包括能让男性皮肤变细、胸部变丰满,或让女性声音变得低沉、脸部的毛发增多的荷尔蒙疗法。

While these measures help assuage transsexual identity issues, many transsexuals choose to take the next step and have sex reassignment surgery. 这些方法有助于缓和由变性欲者的身分引起的争议,但仍然有许多变性欲者选择更进一步的措施,做变性手术。

Sex reassignment surgery is expensive and may be done with or without modification of the genitals. 变性手术费用高,完成后可能将生殖器改造或维持原状。

Female-to-male transsexuals present a greater challenge, as doctors are as yet unable to construct a fully functional penis. 想变成男性的女变性欲者面临的挑战较大,因为医生们至今仍无法造出功能齐全的男性生殖器。

However, despite potential problems, sex reassignment surgery has a huge rate of success: 97 percent of female-to-male transsexuals are satisfied with the results, as are 87 percent of males who become females. 然而,撇开潜在的问题不谈,变性手术的成功率非常高:97%变成男性及87%变成女性的变性欲者,对结果感到满意。

It is hoped that these scientific advances, along with a greater understanding of transsexualism, will lead to more fulfilling lives for transsexuals. 希望科学的进步和人们对变性欲更深的了解,能为变性欲者带来更美满的生活。

Perhaps in the future, they will be accepted as just another unique group in society. 或许在将来,他们只是被视为另外一群独特的人,而被社会接纳。