第 44 课:Insurance 美国的保险业务-3

Our rational minds recognize the many unfortunate events that can occur, but in our hearts we hope that we might be spared. 尽管我们的头脑在理性上能意识到很多灾难性的事故有可能发生,但是我们心理上都希望我们最好能幸免于难。

Serious injury or death is not a pleasant subject to discuss or even consider. 重伤或死亡并不是一个令人愉快的讨论话题,这些我们甚至连想都下敢想。

We are afraid; we would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch. 我们害怕;我们倒宁可聊一聊美式橄榄球,聊聊天气或者聊聊我们午餐所吃的东西。

Finally, insurance is a difficult, complex subject. 最后,保险是很难弄懂很复杂的问题。

No one understands it completely and only a few insurance professionals really feel comfortable in a discussion of automobile, life, and major medical coverages. 除了极小数的保险业的专家在讨论起车险,寿险和重病医药险等险种的承保范围时会高谈阔论而外,没有任何人能完全懂得保险业务。

We feel inadequate and try to hide our ignorance by avoiding discussions of insurance. 我们觉得自己没有足够的保险业务知识,因而避免讲座保险问题,以便掩饰我们自己的无知。

Yet these three reasons for not discussing insurance provide three excellent reasons why we should learn more about it. 可是,这不愿讨论保险问题的三个原因也正是我们应该更多地学些保险知识的三个充足的理由。

Insurance is expensive. In a lifetime, many of us spend as much on insurance as we do on the purchase of a home. 保险费太贵。我们很多人,一辈子花的保险费跟购买房子的费用是一样多的。

If we are to spend our money intelligently, we need information about the products and services available. 如果我们要把钱花得明智一些,我们就将需要获得有关购买产品或服务项目的一些信息资料。