第 50 课:Why We Walk in Circles 为什么我们会走成两个大圆圈-2

Blind birds fly in circles. And a blindfolded dog will swim in circles. 瞎了眼睛的鸟也都是转着圈飞的。一双被蒙住了眼睛的狗也会转着大圈游泳。

A Norwegian biologist, F.O.Guldberg, decided that this problem of circular movement was worth investigating. 一位挪威的生物学家哥尔柏格认为绕圈运动的问题确实值得调查研究。

He collected many true stories on the subject. 关于这一课题他汇集了很多实际事例。

One of his stories is about people rowing on a lake during a fog on a dark night. 他汇集的实例之一就是在一个浓雾黑夜里,人们在湖面上划般。

One group of rowers who tried to cross three miles of water in foggy weather never succeeded in reaching their goal. 在大雾的天气里,一帮想要横渡三英里的水面的划船手永远也不能成功地划到他们的目的地。

Without knowing it, they rowed in two large circles. 不知不觉地,他们都把船划行路线划成两个大圈。

When they finally got to the shore, they discovered that they were at the spot they had started from. 在他们缍上个岸后,才发现又划回到了他们原来出发的地点。

After studying many stories such as this, Professor Guldberg wrote an article in which he discussed "Circular Motion as the Basic Motion of Animals." 在研究过很多诸如此类的实际经历之后,哥尔柏格教授写了一篇题为《动物的基本运动模式是圆周运动》的论文。

A simple example will help you to understand his explanation of why we walk in circles. 一个很简单的的例子,就可以帮助你弄明白他的论点:为什么我们会走成两个大圆圈。

Have you ever wound up a toy automobile and started it off across the floor? 你有没有把一辆玩具汽车上好发条以后,把它放到地板上让它从头跑到那头的经历?