第 53 课:How TV violence Affects Kids 电视中的暴力内容是怎样影响孩子们的-1

For more than a quarter of a century, evidence has been increasing that children's exposure to violence on television has long-lasting effects on their behavior. 在最近这四分之一世纪还多的时间里,出现了越来越多的证据,那就是把电视上的暴力内容暴露在孩子们的面前,对孩子们的行为产生了深远的影响。

Between 1982 and 1986, the amount of television time allocated each week to violent programs increased significantly. 在1982-1986年间,每周电视花在暴力节目上的播出时间总数有了惊人的增长。

And the number of violent acts on television in the past years has increased from about 19 to 27 per hour. 每小时在电视上播出的暴力节目上的播出时间总数有了惊人的增长。每小时在电视播出的暴行的次数在过去这些年中由19次增加到27次。

Given the amount of time that children watch television, it has become one of the most powerful models they want to follow. 从孩子们看电视总共所花的时间这一角度来看,暴行已经成为孩子们想要模仿的最具有偶像性质的行为之一。

The Position Statement on Media Violence in Children's Lives, recently adopted by the National Association for the Education of Yong Children, points out that preschool children are particularly easily affected by the media 最近全国幼儿教育委员会在公布的《关于传播媒介中的暴力内容在獐生活中的影响的声明》中指出,学龄前的儿童特别容易受到传播媒介的影响,

because they are not yet fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality and their understanding of the underlying motives for behavior and the subtleties of moral conflicts is not yet well developed. 因为他们不能把虚构的东西跟现实生活区别开来,因为他们还不能充分理解某一行为的潜在的动机,还不能充分了解道德情操上的冲突的复杂性。

For example, the rapid recoveries of people on TV from violent attacks give children an unrealistic picture of the injuries that have been suffered. 例如:在电视上人们受到暴力袭击之后很快就痊愈了,这让孩子们对伤者所受的折磨痛苦有一种不真实的理解。