第 54 课:How TV violence Affects Kids 电视中的暴力内容是怎样影响孩子们的-2

Effects on Play 对玩耍产生的影响

Children naturally often want the toys shown on and advertised during these programs. And with these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative. 当然,孩子们经常很想要这些节目中出现的那些玩具,很想要在那些节目中间穿插的广告上的玩具。

Children simply imitate the behavior observed during the program, thus undermining both the imaginative and the expressive functions of play. 孩子们只是单纯模仿在节目进行中所观察到的动作行为,因而既不能挖掘出或体会出这一电视剧令人深思的地方,也不能理解这一电视剧的感动人的地方。

The narrow range of most violence-related toys advertised on television jeopardizes the role of play in helping children make better sense of their own feelings and interpret their world. 电视广告里介绍的大部分与暴力有关的玩具对儿童起不到好作用。这些玩具不能更好地帮助儿童理解自己的感情,也起不到帮助儿童来解释周围世界的作用。

Some research even suggests that children apply the behaviors observed on TV programs to their real-life situations. 一些调查研究的结果表明了,孩子们把他们在电视节目中所看到的一些动作行为应用到他们的现实生活的环境中来了。

Parents Can Help 父母或家长应该帮助

It is a good idea for parents to monitor the amount as well as the kind of television their preschool child watches. 由父母来监控学龄前儿童看电视的时间长短和看哪一类电视片子,这倒是个好主意。

If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons, it would be a good idea to control his viewing. 如果你觉得你的孩子狂热地喜欢看战争题材的电视剧,醉心于玩弄武器,那么控制他看电视倒是个好主意。

Controlling viewing is easier to do during the preschool years than during the school years, so you should initiate a pattern of restricted television watching now. 在学龄彰控制儿童看电视比起上学以后再去控制他要容易一些,所以现在你应开始实行一套严格控制儿童看电视的规矩。