第 80 课:Animals at Risk: Who Cares?

Often the numbers are so great the hunters may not realize the danger. 这些动物的数量非常庞大,以致于猎手们意识不到这些动物会有灭绝的危险。

But even when the danger is widely publicized, the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to ignore the threat to the species. 但即使是把这种动物行将灭绝的危险已经广泛地公诸于众,偷猎对猎人们财务上的回报是非常巨大的,以致猎人们选定了对这些物种行将灭绝的危险采取不理不睬的态度。

Attitudes like this have led to hunters killing animals for furs, for ivory or merely for ornaments. 这类态度已经导致了猎人为了获得毛皮、获得象牙或者仅仅是为了用作装饰品就去猎杀动物。

A slight variation on this is when tourists hunt animals for trophies. 与此稍有不同的是,那些旅游观光客错杀动物是为了留作战胜猎物的纪念品。

Magnificent creatures such as lions and tigers have been hunted out of existence in some parts of the world. 像狮子、老虎之类雄伟的动物在世界有些地区已经灭绝了。

It is important to realise, though, that animals are sometimes killed out of fear. 然而要注意到,有时人们杀死了动物是由于人们害怕,这一点是很重要的。

Big cats are killed in this way. And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive. 大猫科的动物就是这样被杀死的。有时杀死一些动物是希望减少一些数目,以便有助于这种动物能生存下去。

The killing of the Canadian seals is claimed to be for this purpose, and the use of their skins for furs is only a by-product.据说杀死了一批加拿大的海豹就是为了这个目的,而利用海豹皮只是一种副产物而已。