第 16 课: A Football Game美式足球比赛

Martin : The game will soon begin. 球赛快开始了。

Belinda : I can't wait to watch the game. This is the first time I've ever been to a soccer game at a stadium. I always watch them on TV at home. 我等不及看这场球赛了。这是我第一次在球场看足球赛。以前我都是在家看电视。

Martin : This is not a soccer game. It's football. American foot-ball. 这不是足球赛。是美式足球。

Belinda : You mean it's a rugby game? 你是说橄榄球赛?

Martin : No, no, no. You've got them all wrong.... The game is on. Look! They use an elliptic ball in an American football match. They can also pass the ball with their hands. 不对,不对。你把它们全搞错了。……球赛开始了。你瞧!在美式足球赛里他们用的是椭圆形的球。而且他们可以用手传球。

Belinda : I see. Soccer uses a round ball and the players can't touch the hall with their hands. Is that right? 我懂了。足球用的是圆形的球,而且球员不可以用手触球。对吗?

Martin : You're smarter than I thought. Now watch the game. 你比我想象中还聪明。现在看球赛吧。

Belinda : Oh, that is violent! 哦,好粗鲁哦!

Martin : What are you talking about? It's exciting. 你在说什么呀?那是精彩刺激。

Belinda : Listen, Martin. I can't stand this. I don't like American football at all. I came here only because I thought this was going to be a soccer game. 你听我说,马丁。我没办法看这场球赛。我一点也不喜欢美式足球。我来看是因为我以为这是场足球比赛。

Martin : Don't be silly, Belinda. You'll love it. It's just begun. 别傻了,贝琳达。你会爱上它的。球赛才开始呢。

Belinda : Please. I want to go home. 拜托。我要回家。

Martin : All right, all right. This is crazy. What will my friends say about this?... 好,好,好。这真是疯狂。我的朋友们要是知道了会怎么说我?

Belinda : You can stay if you want. I can go home by myself.你想看的话可以留下来看。我自己会回去。