第 19 课: A Rumor 谣言

Sherry : I have heard a lot of gossip about you, Eve. 我听到一些你的闲言闲语,伊芙。

Eve : Really? What gossip? 真的?什么闲言闲语?

Sherry : You really want to know? 你真的想知道?

Eve : Why not? It's interesting to know what people say behind my back, isn't it? 有何不可? 知道别人在背后怎么说你,不是很好玩吗?

Sherry : All right. They said that you're going out with Cindy's fiance. 好。他们说你和辛蒂的末婚夫约会。

Eve : Oh, you don't believe that, do you? 哦,你不会信以为真吧?

Sherry : I don't, and that's why I came here. I'd like to know what you have to say about this. 我不会,所以我才来这儿。我想听听看你对这件事做何解释。

Eve : Nothing, Sherry. Nothing. I'd never ever do such a thing. Believe it or not. 我没有什么好说的,雪莉。什么也没有。我绝不会做出这种事的。信不信由你。

Sherry : I believe you, Eve. Listen, I'm not here to accuse you or question you, but you have to keep it in mind that rumors don't come from nowhere. 我相信你,伊芙。你听我说,我不是来指控你或者审问你,但你要记住,谣言不可能是空穴来风。

Eve : I know what you mean. I'll keep away from Cindy's fiance. 我懂你的意思。我会和辛蒂的未婚夫保持距离。

Sherry : Good. I knew you would listen to reason. 很好。我就知道你会听劝。

Eve : Sherry? 雪莉?

Sherry : Yes? 什么事?

Eve : Would you mind doing me a favor? 你愿不愿意帮我一个忙?

Sherry : Sure. Just name it. 当然。说吧。

Eve : Er...when you go out on your date with John this evening, please tell him that I know everything that's going on between him and you, and I'll forgive him if he gives me an explanation....Now get out of my room. 呃……你今晚和约翰约会的时候,请告诉他,我知道他和你之间的每一件事,如果他肯来做个解释的话,我会原谅他。……现在请你出去。