第 25 课: A Wedding Anniversary结婚周年纪念日

Eillen: They're back! Hurry! 他们回来了!快!

Susan : Turn off the lights! 关灯!

Mrs. Gibson: Why is it so dark here? I thought the kids would be at home. Turn the lights on, please. 这儿怎么这么黑?我以为孩子们会在家。麻烦你们开个灯。

Mr.Gibson: Did they tell you they were going out tonight? 他们有跟你说过今晚要出去吗?

Mrs.Gibsson: No, they didn't (Mr. Gibson turns on the lights.) 没有。(吉伯生先生开灯。)

Kids: Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary! 结婚三年周年纪念日快乐!

Mrs.Gibson: Oh, this is lovely! Where did you get all those roses? It must have cost you both a fortune. 哦,这太可爱了!你们那儿弄来这些玫瑰的?一定花了你们两个一大笔钱。

Mr.Gibson : Wait a second What date is today? 且慢。今天几号?

Fileen :Today is October 2nd. Dad 今天是十月二日,爸。

Mr.Gibson : Is it? Oh, sorry, Janet. I forgot. 是吗?哦,对不起,珍娜。我忘了。

susan : That's unforgiveable, Daddy. 那真是不可原谅哪,爸。  

Mrs. Gibson: That's all right, Adam, I forgot, too. 没关系,亚当。我也忘了。

Fileen. : you're lying. Mother you're lying, I heard you talking to Mrs. Carpenter the other day. 你说谎。妈。你骗人。我那天听到你和卡本特太太的谈话。

Mrs.Gibson: You naughty girl. 你这个淘气的女孩。

Eleen : Come on, Mother. What did you buy for Dad? Show us. 快嘛,妈。你帮爸买了什么?给我们看吧。

Mrs.Gibson : All right. This is for you, Adam. 好。这是给你的,亚当。

susan : Oh, a gold pocket watch. It's so beautiful. 哦,一条金怀表。好漂亮。

Mrs. Gibson :I've got something for you, too Open it.You don't really think that I could forget this memorable day, do you? 我也有东西要给你。…….打开它。你不会真以为我忘了这个值得怀念的日子吧?

Mrs.Gibson : I knew you would never forget ..It's a lovely pearl necklace, Thank you. Adam. 我就知道你绝不会忘记的。好可爱的珍珠项链。谢谢你,亚当。