第 26 课: A Wedding婚礼

Sophia : It is a grand wedding, isn't it? 好盛大的婚礼,不是吗?

Peter : It sure is. I am happy to see Jack and Daisy get married. 是啊。真高兴看到杰克和黛西结婚。

Sophia : So am I. They've been in love for ten years. 我也是。他们已经恋爱十年了。

Peter : That's not what I mean. I'm glad Daisy is the bride and you are the bridemaid. 我不是这个意思。我很高兴黛西是新娘,而你是伴娘。

Sophia : Don't talk nonsense. 别胡说。

Peter : I'm serious. There were times when I thought you would marry Jack. 我是说真的。以前有段时间我以为你会嫁给杰克。

Sophia : This isn't the right time to discuss this. Here come the bride and the groom. 现在不是谈这种事的时候。新娘和新郎来了。

Daisy : Sophia! So you're here with Peter. I've been looking all over for you. 苏菲亚! 原来你跟彼得在这里。我到处在找你?

Peter : Congratulations, Jack. 恭喜你,杰克,

Jack : Thank you. Did you enjoy yourself? 谢谢。玩得高兴吗?  

Peter : Yes, a nice wedding party. Have you opened the gift I gave you? 高兴,好热闹的结婚宴会.你打开我送你们的礼物没有?

Daisy : Yes, thank you so very much. Las Vegas is a nice place for honeymoon. 打开了,谢谢你。拉斯维加斯是度蜜月的好地方:

Sophia : What did he give you as a wedding gift? 他送你们什么结婚礼物?

Daisy : Two plane tickets to Las Vegas. I want to thank you as well, Sophia. I love the watches. They are just what we need. 两张到拉斯维加斯的机票.我也要谢谢你,苏菲亚。我很喜欢你送的手表。正好是我们需要的。

Sophia : I'm glad you like them…It's late. I think I'll go home now. 我很高兴你喜欢。……已经很晚了。我想我要回家了。

Peter : I'm leaving too. I can give you a ride. 我也要走了。我送你一程。

Daisy : I'm glad you came, Peter. I'll call you when Jack and I come back from our honeymoon, Daisy. 彼得,我很高兴你来参加。等杰克和我度完蜜月回来,我会打电话给你,黛西。

Jack : Thank you for coming. 谢谢你们来。