第 28 课: An Invitation邀请

Grace : Anna, are you free this Friday evening? 安娜,这星期五晚上有没有空?

Anna : Yes. Why? 有空。做什么?

Grace : There is a get-together at my place. Would you like to join us ? 我那儿有个聚会。你要不要一起来?

Anna : Who else will be there? 还有谁会去?

Grace : Oh, they're all your acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Phil, Peter, Paul, Daniela, Lisa, Mr. Blake, Miss Fox, and some other colleagues in our company. 啦,都是你认识的人。李先生夫妇,菲尔、彼得、保罗、丹妮拉、丽莎、布莱克先生、福克斯小姐以其我们公司一些同事。

Anna : Is William coming? 威廉会去吗?

Grace : No, I didn't invite him. I know you two are on bad terms. 不会,我没有邀请他。我知道你们俩人一向关系不好。

Anna : Thank you. Shall I bring something to the get-together? 谢谢你。我要不要带什么吃的去参加聚会?

Grace : That'll be wonderful. What's your specialty? 那最好了。你最拿手的是什么?

Anna : Er, spaghetti? 呃,意大利肉酱面?  

Grace : Mrs. Lee will bring that. 李太太会带意大利肉酱面来。

Anna : How about pumpkin sponge cake? 南瓜海棉蛋糕如何?

Grace : That'll be great! 太棒了!

Anna : By the way, can Bob come with me? 对了,鲍伯可不可以和我一起去?

Grace : Sure. He's welcome. You know my place, don't you? 当然可以。我们欢迎他。你知道我的地方,不是吗?

Anna : Yes, it's been so long since I went there last time, but I think I can find the way. 知道,虽然离上次去你家到现在已经很久了,我想我找得到路的。

Grace : Great. Be there at about 5:00 p.m., OK? 好极了。下午五点左右到,好吗?

Anna : OK. Thank you for inviting me. 好的。谢谢你邀请我。