第 49 课: At the Doctor's Office在医生诊所

Ralph :Excuse me, miss. I made an appointment to see Dr. Lee at 3 p.m. this afternoon. My name is Ralph Williams. 对不起,小姐。我和李医师约好今天下午三点来看病。我叫洛夫·威廉斯。

Nurse: Let me check, Mr. Williams....Yes, Mr. Williams. Dr. Lee is expecting you. You may go in now. 我查一下,威廉斯先生。……没错,威廉斯先生。李医师已经在等你了。你现在可以进去了。

Ralph: Hello, doctor. 你好,医生。

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble, Mr. Williams? 那儿不舒服啊,威廉斯先生?

Ralph :It's nothing serious actually, doctor. It's.... Well…I get tired very easily recently, and I often doze off during meetings, office hours, sometimes even while I'm dining. 其实没什么大下了的,医生,是……呃……我最近很容易觉得疲倦,而且我常常在开会和上班的时候打瞌睡,有时候甚至吃饭吃到一半也会睡著。

Doctor: How long has this been going on? 这种情形已经多久了?

Ralph: About two months. I didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, but you see, I got fired this morning. I dozed off while we were having an important meeting, right in front of the boss. I was very embarrassed. 大概有两个月了。刚开始我并不在意,但事情是这样的,我今天早上被开除了。我在开一个重要会议的时候,当着老板的面睡着了。好惭愧。 1

Doctor: how is your appetite? 你胃口好吗?  

Ralph :Pretty good, I'd say. 应该算相当不错吧。

Doctor: You haven't lost weight, have you? 那你应该体重也没减轻吧?

Ralph: No, doctor. Actually, I've put on two lbs. 没有,医生。事实上,我还重重了两磅呢。

Doctor: Unbutton your shirt, please. (Ralph unbuttons his shirt and the doctor carries out the physical examination.) 请把衬衫扣子解开。(洛夫解开他的衬衫,医生做身体检查。)

Ralph: Well, doctor? 怎么样呢,医生?

Doctor: You'll have to have some laboratory examinations to know for sure. 你还得做些实验检查才能知道。

Ralph: What examinations? 做什么检查?

Doctor: Blood test and urine test. You can come back next week, say sixteen, to see the results. 抽血和尿液检查。你下星期,十六号吧,再来看检验结果。