第 59 课: At the Subway在地铁

Jessie: I just don't understand why we have to take the subway. Look at this place. It's modern enough, but far from lively. 我就是搞不懂为什么我们一定要搭地铁。你看看这个地方。新潮摩登有余,活泼生气不足。

Freda: It's convenient. People in New York go everywhere by subway if they don't drive. 方便哪。纽约人如果自己不开车,不管到那里都是搭地铁。

Jessie: This isn't New York, Freda. We're in San Francisco. 这儿不是纽约,菲妲。我们是在三藩市。

Freda: What is the difference? 那有什么差别?

Jessie: We haven't come here on business, but for pleasure. We should go sightseeing. What can you see in a subway? Nothing! 我们不是来出差办公事,我们是来玩的。我们应该到处看看。在地铁,你能看到什么? 什么也看不到!

Freda: What can you see from a tram or a double-decker? 那从电车或双层巴土上,你又能看到什么?     

Jessie: I can see people who are walking on the sidewalk. I can see cars driving in the streets. I can see the sun shining and beautiful flowers dancing in the wind. I can even smell the scent of flowers and the freshness of the air. 我可以看到人们走在街道上,可以看到汽车在马路上行驶。我可以看到太阳在照耀,美丽的花朵在风中飞舞摇曳。我还可以闻到花香和新鲜的空气。

Freda: But they're not as convenient as the subway. 但是它们不如地铁方便。

Jessie: You miss the point. We're not in any hurry to go any where. 你弄错重点了。我们又不急着到那儿去。

Freda: Well, maybe you're right. We'll be more amused in a tram or a double-decker than on the subway. 也许你说的对。搭电车或双层巴士会比搭地铁有趣多了。

Jessie: I'm so glad that you can finally see things my way. Can we leave this dull place now? 很高兴你终于能以我的观点来看事情。现在我们可以离开这个鬼地方了吗?

Freda: What about the tickets? I've already bought them. 可是票怎么办?我都已经买了。

Jessie: Just throw them away. 把它们丢掉不就行了。