第 63 课: Camping露营

Mark : Lanna, Ben and I will pitch the tents. Why don't you and Lily fix dinner? 拉娜,班和我要搭帐篷。你和莉莉去做晚餐好吗?

Lanna : Sure. Where are the stove and pot? 炉子跟锅子放在那里?

Mark : Here they are....Ben, help me with the tents. 在这儿。……班,来帮我搭帐蓬。

Ben : I've never pitched a tent in my life. 我生平从没搭过帐蓬。

Mark : Are you kidding? Are you saying that you've never been camping before? 开玩笑吧?你是说你以前从来没有露营过?

Ben : That's right. This is my first time. 没错。这是我第一次露营。

Mark : Well, you certainly will find it interesting.... Stretch the tent, please.... Now give me the poles....The pegs, please. Prop the pole, will you?... All right. Now let's pitch this one. 那你一定会发觉露营非常有意思。……请把帐蓬摊开。……现在把营柱给我。……钉。扶著这个营柱,好吗?……好了。现在来搭这一个。  

Lanna : Is there anything I can do to help? Lily is fixing dinner. She said she could handle it all by herself. 有没有我可以帮得上忙的事? 莉莉正在煮饭。她说它一个人可以忙得来。

Mark : You and Lily will sleep in this tent tonight. You can take your rucksacks and sleeping bags in now. 今晚你和莉莉就睡这个帐蓬。你现在可以把你们的登山包和睡袋拿进去放。

Lanna : All right. 好的。

Mark : Ben, let's go gather some sticks. We'll have to set a campfire. It's getting dark. 班,我们去找一些树枝。我们得点个营火。天快黑了。

Ben : Sure. I'll go with you. 好。我跟你去。

Lanna : Can I go with you? 我能不能和你们一起去?

Mark : No. We'll be back in a minute. Don't leave Lily alone. 不行。我们马上就回来。别丢下莉莉一个人。

Lanna : OK. 好。

Mark : Take this hurricane-lamp in case it gets dark before we come back. 拿着这个防风灯。以防万一我们还没回来,天就暗了。