第 68 课: Graduation毕业

Theresa : Are you ready to go, Fanny ? We'll be late for the graduation. 准备好可以走了吗,芬妮? 我们快赶不及参加毕业典礼了。

Fanny : I'm waiting for my family. They should've been here a half hour ago. I wonder what's keeping them. 我在等我家人。他们半小时前就该到了。不知道被什么事耽误了。

Theresa : They may be stuck in a traffic jam. 也许被交通阻塞困住了吧。

Fanny : Is your family coming? 你的家人要来吗?

Theresa : No, they can't make it . There is a strike going on in South Africa. No planes are flying. 他们没办法来。南非有罢工。没有飞机起飞。

Fanny : You must be very disappointed. 你一定很失望。

Theresa : Well, I'm not going to be honored at the graduation anyway. It doesn't matter. 反正我在毕业典礼上又不会被颁奖。无所谓。

Fanny : You are so easygoing. 你看得很开。

Theresa : I have to be. There is no need to upset myself about things that can't be changed. Don't you think so? 不得不看开。没有必要为了那些无法改变的事而使自己不高兴。你不这么认为?

Fanny : I do, but.... Well, I always take things seriously, and for people like me ,being easygoing is beyond the ability. 我也这么想,但是……。我一向很认真,而对我这种人来说,要看的开是能力范围所不能及的事。

Theresa : After graduation, you'll experience a totally different life. You'll have to be either easygoing or tough to take the ups and downs of life. 毕业后,你会经历一个迥然不同的生活。你得看开些,要不就坚强些,才能面对人生的起起落落。

Fanny : I'll keep what you said in mind. 我会记住你说的话。

Theresa : We really have to get going. 我们真的得走了。

Fanny : Well, I guess I'll just have to go without them. 我想我只好自己去,不等他们了。

Theresa : They'll show up, sooner or later. 他们迟早会到的。