第 69 课: Having a Haircut剪头发

George : I'd like a haircut, please. 请帮我剪个头发。

Barber : Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? 要不要也修一修下面,洗个头?

George : No, thanks. A haircut will be just fine. 不用了。剪头发就好。

Barber : All right. How do you like your hair cut? 好的。你要剪什么样式?

George : Don't cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little. 两边和后面不要剪太短。只要稍微修一下就好。

Barber : How about on top? 那头顶呢?

George : You can thin the top out a little, but just a little. 头顶部分可以剪薄一点,但也是只剪一点点就好。

Barber : Very well. 好的。

George : Say, my hair is kind of oily, and dandruff bothers me very much. I've tried several shampoos in vain. Can you recommend me something effective? 对了,我的头发蛮油的,而且头皮屑令我很困扰。我试过好几种洗发精,但是都没用。你能不能推荐个有效的?

Barber : Well, have you tried Head And Shoulders? It's supposed to be good for the dandruff. 这,你试过伦仙度丝没有?它应该对消除头皮屑方面的问题很有用的。

George : I'll try it. 我会试试看。

George :I'll try that, too. Thank you, barber. 那我也要试试看。真谢谢你啊,理发师。

Barber : It's done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents. 剪好啦,总共是五块三毛钱。