第 71 课: Hobbies嗜好

Stella : Hi, Betty Did you see David around? 嗨,贝蒂。有没有看到大卫?

Betty : David? He went out with Joseph five minutes ago. 大卫?他五分钟前和约瑟夫一起出去了。

Stella : Any idea where they went? 知不知道他们上哪儿去?

Betty : They talked about something like.... wrestling 他们好像说到什么……摔交。

Stella : They went to see a wrestling match? 他们去看摔交比赛?

Betty : I guess so. 大概是吧。

Stella : I just don't understand why they're so fascinated with wrestling. 真搞不懂他们怎么会对摔交那么着迷。

Betty : It won't last long. In one month, they will take up another hobby. Do you remember the time when they both collected stamps? 这种情形不会太久的。一个月内他们就会有别的兴趣。你还记得有一次他们两个都在集邮吗?

Stella: :Yes, all my letters were out of shape.记得,我的信件全都不成样子。

Betty : But they quit after three weeks and started to collect matches. 但是三个星期后他们放弃集邮而开始收集火柴盒。

stella : I'll never forget those days. They went to almost every restaurant and hotel in this city. 那段日子我永远也忘不了。他们几乎去遍了本市的每一家餐厅旅馆。

Betty: And they quit after two weeks because they spent all their money. 结果两星期后他们就放弃了,因为钱都花光了。

Stella : They're crazy enough sometimes. They can play chess all day long without eating or sleeping if they're fascinated with it. 有时候他们真够疯狂。如果他们对下棋着迷的话,他们可以下个整天,不吃也不睡。

Betty: That doesn't matter at all. You better keep your fingers crossed that they won't take up gambling or drinking as a hobby. 那不重要。你最好祈祷,保佑他们不要对赌博和喝酒沉迷。

Stella: That better not happen. 那种事最好不要发生。