第 81 课: Out of Work 失业

Scott: Hi, Henry, What's new? 嗨,亨利。有什么新鲜事儿吗?

Henury: Where have you been? I've been trying to get in touch with you for two days. 你跑到那里去了?我找了你两天啦。

scott : I went to Salt Lake City on business. What's up? 我到盐湖城出差了。什么事?

Henry: I got fired. 我被开除了。

Scott: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career. That was only one month ago. Why this sudden change? 怎么会呢?上回我见到你的时候,你还说这份工作很好,你想以它做为事业呢。那才一个月前的事。怎么会突然改变了呢?

Henry : It's a long story. In a word, I didn't do a good job of it.I messed up a business deal, a deal that would make ten million dollars and I messed it up. 说来话长。总的一句话,我没把工作做好。我搞砸了一笔生意,一笔一千万元的生意,而我搞砸了。

Scott : What are you going to do now? 那你现在打算怎么办?

Henry : I'm trying to find a job as soon as possible. Nancy doesn't know yet. I didn't tell her. I spent the past three days at the coffee shop next to your office She thought I went to work as usual. 我正在尽快找工作。南茜还不知道。我没告诉她。这三天我都耗在你们公司隔壁的咖啡馆。她以为我还是像往常一样去上班。

scott : That's not the way to solve the problem. Did you look in the classified advertisements column? 这不是解决事情的方法。你找过分类广告栏吗?

Henry: Yes, I did, but I wasn't qualified to most of the jobs that I was interested in. 找过了,可是大部分我有兴趣做的工作,我都不够资格。

Scott : Listen. I'll see what I can do, OK? You go home and tell Nancy about this problem you have now. She is your wife, and I'm sure she'll understand. 听着,我会看看我能帮你做些什么,好吗?你回家把你现在的问题告诉南茜。她是你太太,我相信她会了解的。

Henry: I just don't know how to bring it up.... Well, all right.She has the right to know anyways. 我就是不知道该怎么跟她提这件事。……好吧。她终究是有权利知道的。