第 90 课: Sports运动

Amy:What are you reading, Allan? 你在看什么,亚伦?

Allan: A sports magazine. 体育杂志。

Amy:You like sports? 你喜欢运动?

Allan: Sure. Every man likes sports. 当然喜欢。每个男人都喜欢运动。

Amy:Not every man. My brother doesn't like sports at all. 并不是每个男人。我哥哥就一点也不喜欢运动。

Allan: What does he do in his leisure time? 他有空的时候都做些什么?

Amy:He goes fishing. 钓鱼呀。

Allan: Fishing is a kind of sport, too钓鱼也是运动的一种。

Amy:Is it? 是吗?

Allan: Yes Basketball, soccer, boxing, hockey, tennis, badminton, and swimming are the kind of spots that require energy whereas fishing, bowling, golf, billiards, and such like are sports that are more gentle and less active. 是啊。篮球、足球、拳击、曲棍球、网球、羽毛球,以及游泳是属于比较需要体力的运动,而像钓鱼、保龄球、高尔夫、撞球以及其他此类的运动就是比较温和,运动量较少。

Amy: I see. Is walking a sport too? 我懂了。走路散步也是一种运动吗?

Allan: Strictly speaking, no. 严格说来,不是吧。

Amy: What's your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

Allan: Billiards and basketball, I'd say. 我想是撞球和篮球吧。

Amy: Do you play them well? 打得很好吗?

Allan: I'm pretty good at billiards. As for basketball, I merely watching the games, although I like it very much. 我的撞球打得不错。至于篮球,虽然我非常喜欢,但仅止于观看比赛而已。

Amy:Well!I'm going to my aerobic class. If there're any calls for me, please take message. 我要去上有氧舞蹈课了。要是有电话找我,请帮我留话。