第 91 课: Summer Vacation暑期

Judy : Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to? 喃,杰克。你在写信给谁?

Jack : I'm writing to my parents telling them I'll stay here this summer. 给我爸妈,跟他们说我暑期不回去。

Judy : You're not going home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. 你不回家? 你不是要和你家人一起去日本旅行吗?

Jack : Well, I intended to go with them, but I thought again and changed my mind. 我本来是要和他们一起去的,下过我考虑再三之后,决定不去了。

Judy : Tell me. I'm interested in knowing' what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here. It certainly is not studying. 告诉我。我很想知道是什么事情可以使你不和你亲爱的家人聚在一起而留在这儿,决不是为了功课?

Jack : No, certainly not. Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle's institution. 当然不是。麦克安排我在他叔叔的机关做事。

Judy : How much will you be paid? 多少薪水?

Jack : Judy, I don't do it for money, but for experience. Besides, it's voluntary work. 茱蒂,我不是为了钱做这份工作的,而是为了经验。何况,这是一份义务性的工作。

Judy : You work without payment? That's really something. What kind of work is it? 你做没钱的工作? 那可真是了不起。是怎样的工作?

Jack : I'll be a teacher in one of his uncle's orphanages. 在他叔叔的一家孤儿院当老师。

Judy : Oh, Jack, I'm impressed. 哦,杰克,我好感动。

Jack : When will you leave for home? 你什么时候回家?

Judy : Tomorrow. We'll fly to Hawaii two days after. I really have to pack now. 明天。两天后我们要飞去夏威夷。我得去整理行李了。

Jack : Go then. Have a nice vacation! 去吧。祝你假期愉快!

Judy : I'll send you postcards. 我会寄明信片给你的。