第 92 课: Taking a Taxi坐计程车

Miss Kao: Taxi! Taxi! (A cab stops and she goes in.) 计程车! 计程车(一辆计程车停下来。她上车。)

Cab driver: Where to, miss? 小姐到哪里?

Miss Kao: Diamond Hotel on Beach Avenue. How much do you think the fare will be?海滩大道的钻石饭店。大概要多少钱?

Cab driver:Well, about 3 dollars . I can't tell exactly, but whatever it is ,it will show on the meter. 呃,三块钱左右。正确的车资多少我也不确定,不过不管是多少钱,都会在计程表上表示出来的。

Miss Kao: I took a taxi yesterday from the station to Diamond Hotel, and the driver charged me six dollars. 昨天我从车站坐一辆计程车到钻石饭店,结果司机跟我要了六块钱。

Cab driver: Was it rush hour? 是在交通高峰时间吗?

Miss Kao: No, it wasn't. 不是。

Cab driver: Well, there is nothing I can say, miss. 我不好说什么,小姐。

Miss Kao: Do you think he intentionally drove all around instead of driving directly to Diamond Hotel? 你想他是不是故意绕圈子而不直接到我钻石饭店?

Cab driver: No. Why would he want to do that?不会吧。他为什么要那么做?

Miss Kao: For more money! He thought I was someone who can be taken advantage of.可以赚多一点钱哪。他认为我是那种可以被占便宜的人。

Cab driver: I wouldn't say that, miss. Any cab driver would lose his license if he got caught doing a thing like that.我不这么想,小姐。任何计程车的司机如果这么做而被抓到的话,会被吊销执照的。

Miss Kao: I didn't know that.我并不知道有这种规定。

Cab driver: Now you know. Are you new in this city?现在你知道了,你是第一次来这个城市吗?

Miss Kao: Yes. I'll probably stay here for two more weeks. 是的。我可能还要再待上两个星期。

Cab driver: In that case, you can try to call a cab company to send you a cab next time when you need one. That'll certainly make you feel safer.... Here you are, Diamond Hotel. 既然这样,下次你要坐计程车的时候,可以试试看打电话给计程车公司,叫他们派车给你。那样你一定会觉得比较安全的。……钻石饭店到了。

Miss Kao: Thank you for the advice. How much is it?谢谢你的忠告。多少钱?

Cab driver: Two dollars and ninety-eight cents!两块九毛八分。

Miss Kao: Here is three dollars. Keep the change.这里是三块钱不用找了