第 94 课: The First Day at Work上班第一天

Miss Witt : Good morning, Mr. Evans. I'm the new secretary. 早,伊凡斯先生。我是新来的秘书。

Mr. Evans : Good morning, Miss Witt. You're a half hour early. 早,魏特小姐。你早到了半个小时。

Miss Witt : I don't want to make a bad impression. 我不希望留下不好的印象。

Mr. Evans : Come on over. This is your desk, and this is your time card. Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work. 来。这是你的办公桌,还有这是你的上下班卡。每天上下班记得要打卡。

Miss Witt : I will. 我会的。

Mr. Evans: One more thing. Keep your desk neat. It's the rule.There's no exception, even the art designers have to keep their desks neat. 还有一件事。你的办公桌要保持整洁。这是规定。没有例外,既使是美术设计工作者,他们的桌子也要保持整洁。

Miss Witt : I'll keep that in mind....Does everything on this desk belong to me? 我会记住的。……这桌上的东西都是属于我的吗?

Mr. Evans : Not belong. You can use them as long as you work here. When you quit, you'll have to return them to the company. 不是属于。只要你在这儿上班,你都可以使用它们。但是离职时,你要把它们全部归还公司。

Miss Witt : What's the extension number for my phone? 我的分机号码是多少?

Mr. Evans: The operator will put all your calls through. You don't have to worry about that. 我们有总机会帮你接所有的电话。这你不用担心。

Miss Witt : Can I make personal phone calls during office hours? 上班时间我可以打私人电话吗?

Mr. Evans : Of course you can. Every one has his personal matters to deal with more or less, but don't chat over the phone. What's more, don't let it hinder your work and the company's business. 当然可以。每个人多多少少都有私事要处理,但是别用电话聊天。还有,不要让私事妨碍你的工作以及公司的业务.

Miss Witt : I understand. 我知道。

Mr. Evans: When you settle down, I'll show you around and introduce you to the department managers. 等你安顿好,我会带你参观一下公司,同时也把你介绍给各部门的经理。