第 96 课: The Vending Machines贩卖机

Wife : I'm thirsty. How far is the closest store? 我好渴。最近的商店还有多远?

Husband : Probably thirty miles. I don't know. I feel like a cigarette myself, 大约三十里吧。我也不知道,我自己也想抽烟。

Wife : You have three packs with you, haven't you? 你不是带三包烟在身上吗?

Husband : Well, I smoked them all. 我抽完了。

Wife : Oh, you are such a heavy smoker. We've just been out for six hours. 哦,你烟抽得太凶了。我们才出门六个小时。

Husband : I can't drive without cigarettes. I'll doze off. 我没办法开车而不抽烟。我会打瞌睡。

Wife : Hey, there seems to be a service station ahead. 喂,前面那边好像有个服务站。

Husband : Let's stop for a while and see what we can get there. 我们停一下,看看那里可以买到什么。

Wife : (Gets out of the car.) Anybody here?...Hello?...It's closed. Isn't a service station open round the clock? (走下车。)有人在吗?……喂?……他们关门了。服务站不是全天候营业的吗?

Husband : Well, it's supposed to be. Who knows? 应该是啊。谁知道呢?

Wife : Hey, there're vending machines over there. 喂、那里有自动贩卖机。

Husband : Oh, great! A cigarette vending machine. 好极了。有一台香烟贩卖机。

Wife : And a soft drink vending machine. 还有一台饮料贩卖机。

Husband : Now you can have the drink you want and I can have my cigarettes. 这下子你可以买到你的饮料,我也可以买到我的香烟了。

Wife : Wait a second. Do you have any change? 等等。你有零钱吗?

Husband : Let me see.(He feels about the change in his pocket.) Here we are. One dollar, two quarters, and three dimes. 我看看。(他在口袋中摸索。) 有了。一个一元、两个二角五分,还有三个一角。

Wife : Good. That'll be just enough for my drink and your cigarettes. 很好。那刚好够买我的饮料和你的烟。

Husband : Are you kidding? I need them for my cigarettes. I'll give you the left over change after I've bought my cigarettes.(He starts inserting the change into the slot.) 你开什么玩笑? 我全要用来买我的烟。等我买完香烟,剩下的零钱再给你。(他开始把零钱投入投币孔。)

Wife : You can't do that! Stop! Oh, you .... 你不能那么做!停下来!哦,你……