第 98 课: Visiting a Real Estate Agent 拜访房地产经纪人

Mr. Taylor : Have a seat, Mr. Younger. What can I do for you? 请坐,杨格先生。有什么我能为你效劳的事?

Mr. Younger : I have a house in Seattle. It's about 400 sq.ft., including the house and the yard. I'm looking for somebody who will buy it in cash. 我在西雅图有栋房子。大概四百平方尺,包括房子和院子。我想找个肯花现金买它的买主。

Mr. Taylor : How much do you want to sell it for? 你想卖多少钱?

Mr. Younger : Around half a million U.S. dollars. 大概五十万美金左右。

Mt. Taylor : Sounds reasonable. 听起来挺公道的。

Mr. Younger : I'd like to sell it as soon as possible for ready money. 我想尽快卖掉得到现钱。

Mr. Taylor : I see. Is the house under your name? 原来如此。房子是你的名下吗?

Mr. Younger : Yes. Here are the papers. I've also made copies of each of them. You can keep the copies. 是的。这里是所有的文件,我还各影印了一份。你可以把影印本留着。

Mr. Taylor : Very well. Do you have a photo of the house with you? 很好。有没有带房子的照片来?

Mr. Younger : Yes. Here they are. There're six of them. 有。在这里。一共有六张。

Mr. Taylor : Did you bring the negatives as well? 你底片也到来了吗?

Mr. Younger : Sure. Here you are. 是的。给你。

Mr. Taylor : This one is OK, but the others....Well, I think I'll have to send my men to take pictures of your house, pictures that are taken by a professional and are able to show the whole aspect of the house. 这个可以,但其他的......呃,我想我得派人去你家拍照,要专业人员拍的照片,才能反映房子的全貌。

Mr. Younger : That's fine with me. What is your charge for this service?...Er, I don't mean the pictures, I mean to be my agent. 可以。这个服务要多少钱?.....呃,我不是指照片,我是指您派的人。

Mr. Taylor : Well, 2 % of the sale price of your house. 呃,您房价的2%。