例句-1: "The electric light bulb is the brainchild of Thomas Edison, the telephone is the brainchild of Alexander Graham Bell, two 19th-century American inventors."
例句-2: "To set up a foundation in our college to help poor students was the brainchild of our sociology professor."
Brainchild是某人头脑里主动产生的产物。那么,要是我们想利用别人的智慧,那该怎么说呢?在这种情况下,美国人经常说: to pick one's brain。Pick这个字的意思就是拣什么东西的"拣"。To pick one's brain就是向别人了解情况,或是徵求精通某个问题的专家的意见。我们来举个例子。一个报馆的记者正在写一篇报道,介绍新发明的一种特效药。他说:
例句-3: "I don't understand all this scientific language. I'd better go see Doctor Rogers at the medical school and pick his brain; maybe he can make it clear to me."
在美国,to pick one's brain是非常普遍的一种现象,因为美国人喜欢各述己见,进行辩论,然后看看谁的意见更合理。不管世界其他地方上或是在美国发生了什么事,电台和电视台都会请一些专家来谈谈他们对问题的看法,这实际上也是to pick their brains。我们再来举个例子吧:
例句-4: "People all say that Mary is very smart. Yes, she is. But you have to know the reason why she is smart is because she always picks other people's brains."