To call up还可以用在军事方面,意思是在紧急情况下调动预备役军队来参加某些行动。佛罗里达州州长就这样做过:
例句-2: "After the hurricane hit the Florida coast, the governor called up the National Guard to help with the rescue work."
我们再来给大家解绍一个由call这个字组成的俗语: to call it a day。To call it a day的意思是你工作了一天,到晚上你停止工作回家休息,但是准备第二天再回去继续完成昨天没做完的事。说简单一点也就是:结束一天的工作。下面是一个学生在说他正在为英语教授写的一份期终报告的进展情况:
例句-3: "I worked on my term paper until about ten o'clock last night, but got so sleepy I decided to call it a day. I'll finish it this afternoon when I come back from class."
例句-4: "We've got so much news to handle today that I didn't even have time to have lunch. Now I am going to call it a day and go home to have a good rest."