例句-1: "Mary and I are dinks -- we both have good professional careers. Mary keeps her own maiden name for business reasons. And when I get home first, I cook dinner. We have this lovely house, but the mortgage payments are big enough that we can 't afford to have kids."
例句-2: "The last five years a lot of dinks have moved into our part of town. They're nice people, but I miss seeing all the young kids playing in the park the way it used to be in the old days."
例句-3: "Older people tend to retire earlier and live longer these days. And if they don't have pensions big enough to live on, this means their children in the sandwich generation have to bear the financial burden longer."
例句-4: " Some people argue that a better national health care plan would help ease the financial burden of the sandwich generation because keeping older people healthy costs a lot more money."
我们今天给大家介绍了两个和现在三、四十岁的人有关的习惯用语。它们是:dinks and sandwich generation。Dinks是指那些三、四十岁的夫妇,两人都有很好的职业,收入很高,但是却不要孩子。Sandwich generation也是指那一代的人,但是他们上有老,下有小,经济负担比较重。今天的[美国习惯用语言]就讲解到这里,我们下次节目再见。