在今天的节目里我们再来给大家讲解两个由轮子,也就是wheel这个字组成的习惯用语。我们已经学过:at the wheel,就是开车,或者是领导一个大型组织。我们还讲过:hell on wheels,也就是工作勤恳有效,另外一个意思是:脾气暴燥,对人苛求和粗鲁。下面我们再讲两个由轮子这个字组成的习惯用语。
例句-1: "I've got to get out of this place and find another job somewhere. I'm just spinning my wheels here -- there's no chance to get a pay raise, much less a promotion."
例句-2: "How many times have I told you that you've got to let us know where you are and get back at the time you promised. But I feel I am just spinning my wheels here, as you always do whatever you want and worry us sick over you."
轮子是人类最早发明的东西之一,也是世界上最重要的发明之一。这一事实产生了美国人常用的一个俗语:那就是: re-inventing the wheel。
Invent这个字的意思是:创造、发明。Re-inventing就是:重新发明。Re-inventing the wheel从字面上来解释就是:重新发明轮子。但是,既然轮子早就存在,再要发明不是多此一举吗?作为俗语,Re-inventing the wheel是指某个人认为自己想到了一个非常好的新主意,但是实际上这个主意别人早就想到,而且已经实施了。 美国的电脑非常发达,不同的电脑程序有各种不同的功能。最普通的是能够打字,可以储存资料和信息。另外有的还能画画,制图和算帐。我们下面要举的例子是一个老板在对他的会计说话:
例句-3: "Look, don't try to design your own computer system for handling our accounts. There are plenty of good systems already on the market, so let's not reinvent the wheel!"
例句-4: "I thought I had finally worked out a good system to file these papers according to their different categories and under specific labels, but it turned out I was reinventing the wheel as most people have been doing it this way for a long time."