例句-1: "Keep your shirt on, Harry; we have plenty of time to catch the train."
可是to Keep one's shirt on 在更多的场合下,是指要保持冷静,在对情况有足够了解以前不要发火。比如说,有一天,我们曾在以前的课文中提到的那位丈夫晚了三个小时回家吃晚饭。一到家,他就看到他的太太火冒三丈,马上就要大发雷霆。于是,他马上就对太太说:
例句-2: "Honey, keep your shirt on, please! I'm sorry, but the boss made me work late at the office."
下面我们要解释的一个和shirt这个字有关的习惯用语是: To lose one's shirt。Lose这个字的意思当然就是丢掉,或失去什么东西。一个人要是丢了他的衬衫,他回到家里恐怕那要比那个晚了三小时才回家吃晚饭的丈夫碰到的麻烦要多得多。可是,to lose one's shirt 实际上并不是真的指丢了衬衫。它的确切意思是某个人失去了他所有的一切。我们来举个例子吧:
例句-3: "Did you hear what happened to Joe? He's lost his shirt, the poor guy -- invested all his money in a fancy restaurant and it just went out of business."
例句-4: "Be careful of salesmen who call on the phone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in Florida. You can lose your shirt because the chances are the land is under water at high tide."