我们讲过几个表示非常生气的习惯用语,例如像:To make one's blood boil.我们今天再来讲两个和生气有关的俗语。我们要讲的第一个俗语是: To hit the ceiling.To hit就是"碰撞,打击"。Ceiling就是"屋顶"。To hit the ceiling,顾名思义就是"撞到了屋顶"。作为俗语,它的意思就是:一个人生气得暴跳如雷,甚至都撞到了屋顶。这个说法具有一般成语和俗语的特点,也就是夸大。但是,也正是由于这一特点使得成语和俗语变得很生动,有时还带有幽默的色彩。下面我们举的例子是一个儿子因为出了车祸而使他的爸爸非常生气。这个男孩对他的朋友说:
例句-1: The only real damage was a bent fender, but I knew Dad would hit the ceiling when he saw it. Sure enough, he was so angry that he made me pay for the repairs myself.
例句-2: Mary's been always very slow in her work. Her boss has warned her several times. Yesterday, when she again missed the deadline for a report, he hit the ceiling and fired her on the spot.
生气的时候火冒三丈,跳得那么高,甚至碰到屋顶,这还不算厉害。下面还有一个说法,其后果可能更糟: to blow one's top.
To blow可以解释为"吹气"的"吹"。但是,在这里解释为"爆炸"。Top一般来说是最高的意思,在这里是指人的头顶。所以,to blow one's top的字面意思就是把某人的头顶都炸开了。俗语的意思几乎跟中文里的怒发冲冠相似,当然,怒发冲冠可能比把头顶炸开要温和的多,但是他们都是表示非常生气。下面我们来举个例子。这是一个妈妈在对他的孩子做自我检讨:
例句-3: I'm sorry I yelled at you kids this afternoon when I came home and saw the mess you'd made in the kitchen. Sure, I had a hard day at work, but I really shouldn't blow my top that way!
例句-4: Every time Bill and I make plans to see each other, he's always late and keeps me waiting at least twenty minutes. This morning I waited for almost an hour and I practically blew my top when I saw him.