在今天的节目里,我们再来讲两个以stand这个字为主的习惯用语。To stand就是站立的意思。Stand这个字往往跟别的字合在一起用,最普通的就是:to stand up. 我肯定大家都知道to stand up的意思,那就是:站起来。今天我们首先要给大家介绍的一个习惯用语就是在 stand后面加一个:tall. Tall是一个形容词,意思是"高"。 To stand tall并不是站得很高的意思。To stand tall是指一个人很神气地站在那里,挺着胸,表现得很自豪和自信,毫无畏惧的样子。我们来举一个例子。美国以前有一个男电影明星,名叫约翰·韦恩。约翰·韦恩虽然已经去世,但是他的名字仍然是家喻户晓的。约翰·韦恩是一个个子高大,看起来很魁梧的人。他老是在电影里扮演西部英雄,专门和坏人做斗争。即便现在,电视台或者电缆电视有的时候还播放他演的电影。下面是一个美国人在回忆约翰·韦恩。
例句-1: John Wayne is so popular because he always stands tall in his movies, quiet and brave. He looks like he's ready to fight a dozen bad guys before breakfast and then go out and rope wild horses.
例句2: All the boys my sister has dated so far are very short guys. This is not really my ideal image of a man any girl should spend the rest of her life with. A girl should choose a strong, powerful man, who stands tall.
好,现在我们来讲第二个习惯用语: a stand-out. Stand-out是由stand和out这两个字组成的一个名词,在这两个字之间有一个连接号。A stand-out是指一个人在自己专业方面非常突出而引起人们注意。举例来说吧:美国有一个非常有名的篮球运动员,名字叫约翰逊。由于他的球艺精湛,投篮几乎百发百中,所以人们给他一个雅号叫做"神手约翰逊"。可是,在1992年,他经过检查发现自己感染了艾滋病病毒,因而不得不突然宣布退休。下面是一个篮球迷在对这一消息发表自己的观点。
例句3: It was a sad day for sports when Magic Johnson announced he had to retire. Magic was such a stand-out in professional basketball -- one of the best players who ever lived!
例句4: I admit Wendy is a good researcher, but nobody would call her a stand-out right now. She was so eager to get a promotion that she faked some of the results in her last research report and now she's a laughing stock among her colleagues.