每一种语言都反映了各个民族的文化习俗和社会发展。美国的许多成语和俗语也不例外。它们不仅表现了美国历史上各个不同阶段的特点,而且也反映了这个国家当代的特色。四十年前,乘飞机在美国还是少有的事,现在已经成了人们旅行的一种很普通的交通工具。对于某些经常到外地去的人,坐飞机已经像乘公共汽车一样。有些夫妻分居两地的人,每个周末乘飞机回家也不是很特殊的事了。今天我们要讲两个由飞行俗语而变成日常用语的词汇。过去,当飞行员在空中发现汽油不足或是机器出了故障,他们就不得不用降落伞,以保生命的安全。这在英文里就叫: To bail out。To bail out 用在飞行方面就是从飞机上跳伞。可是,现在除了军用飞机外,很少飞行员还带着降落伞飞行。To bail out 现在已经成了一个日常用的词汇,它的意思就是摆脱一些麻烦或危险。比如说,一个人在谈到他的朋友的时候说:
例句-1: "Smith was lucky enough to bail out and quit the company just before it went bankrupt."
例句-2: "After his restaurant failed, Bill couldn't pay back the money he had borrowed from the bank. He was afraid the bank would take the house he'd put up as security. But his dad bailed him out and paid the loan off for him."
例句-4: "Everyboday thought this young actor would have a brilliant future after he starred in two pictures that made a lot of money. Then he appeared in three films that nobody want to see, and his career took a nose dive -- no producer wants him any more."