我想大家都知道"帽子"在英文里是哪个字 - Hat. 今天我们就来给大家讲解两个和hat这个字有关的习惯用语。在第二次世界大战以前,美国人一年四季都戴帽子。男人到了夏天就戴草帽,其它时间一般都戴毡帽。在那个时候,要是一个女人没有一顶时髦的帽子,她根本就不会出门。现在的情况可不同了,大多数美国人都不戴帽子。但是,尽管衣服时装有所变化,可是用hat这个字组成的习惯用语仍然在美国人的口语中出现。其中一个很普遍的就是: at the drop of a hat. At the drop of a hat从字面上来解释就是:一旦帽子落地。这实际上也是一个信号的意思。也就是说,一有信号就马上行动。这个说法可能是来自以前的决斗。在决斗的时候,裁判员一般都是举着帽子,然后突然把它往地下一扔,作为决斗双方可以开始开枪的信号。但是,at the drop of a hat现在已经和开枪没有关系了,它的意思现在已经变成指一个脾气一触即发的人。下面这个例子就能说明问题。
例句-1: Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted friendly guy. But he has one problem -- a hot temper. Say something he doesn't agree with, and he'll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.
例句2: My daughter Janet has decided to leave her abusive husband. I feel so relieved! If Janet uttered a word when John was in bad mood -- and most of the time he was -- he would hit her at the drop of a hat.
下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语会让我们想起那些会变戏法的魔术家。这个习惯用语就是: to pull something out of the hat. To pull something out of the hat就是"从帽子里拿出什么东西来"。魔术家一般都会变这个戏法,那就是先给观众看一顶帽子,里面好像是没有什么东西。然后,他就用一条手绢把帽子盖起来,用他的魔术棍敲几下,接着就从帽子里拿出一只活的兔子或者是一只活的鸟。To pull something out of the hat作为习惯用语,它的意思就是:"找到一个没有意料到的办法来解决面临的困难。"下面这个例子是一个公司的雇员为了公司的前途而担心。
例句3: Our company is in deep trouble. We're out of money and have to pay back the bank a five-million loan by Tuesday. Unless the boss can pull something out of the hat, we'll be out of business.
例句4: So much pressure for me this week -- a research report to finish, six pages of translation to hand in and two house guests arriving tomorrow. I don't think I can cope with all this unless I can pull something out of the hat.