今天我们再来给大家介绍两个以"帽子"这个字,也就是英文里的hat这个字组成的习惯用语。我们已经讲过:at the drop of a hat. 这是指一个人的脾气很急燥,一触即发。我们还讲过:to pull something out of a hat. 这是想出一个意外的办法来解决面前的困难。今天我们首先要给大家讲的是: to pass the hat. To pass在这里是传递的意思。以前,美国教堂在礼拜结束前总是用一顶帽子在教徒当中一个个地传递过去,希望人们为教堂捐钱。现在的教堂已经不再用帽子了,而是用一个铜制或银制的盘子来代替了。但是,to pass the hat现在超越了宗教的色彩,应用到日常生活中去了,意思就是让大家捐钱为一个同事解决意外的灾难。下面就是一个例子:
例句-1: When Bill Brown's baby daughter was hurt in that auto accident last week, we passed the hat around the office and collected three hundred dollars to help pay the doctor's bill.
例句2: People are making fewer contributions. We've passed the hat around to possible givers but still can't meet our budget needs. Seems the only way out is to cut some programs and downsize our organization.
下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语是: to take one's hat off. 以前,每当一个人做了什么值得赞扬的事,人们往往会拿下头上戴的帽子,对那个人表示敬意。现在已经没有人戴帽子,因此这种举动也不存在了。可是,这个俗语还是经常用的。我们来举个例子。大家还记得刚才举的第一个例子里那个为公司前途担忧的职员吧。下面这个例子又是他在说话。
例句3: I sure take my hat off to my boss. I don't know how in the world he did it, but somehow he pulled some tricks out of the hat and got us five million dollars to save the business.
例句4: I really take my hat off to my sister. She raised five children all by herself after her husband died. I don't know how she managed, but all the children graduated from college and have good jobs.