我们曾经说过,美国人现在很少有人戴帽子的。可是,至少有二十个日常用的习惯用语是以"帽子"这个字为主的。我们先来复习一下"帽子"这个字在英文里是怎么念的:Hat. 好,现在我们先来讲第一个习惯用语: Hat in hand. Hat是帽子,hand是手。Hat in hand从字面上来理解就是手里拿着帽子。可是,作为俗语,它的含义就要比表面现象深刻多了。Hat in hand这个俗语是几百年前遗传下来的。
当时,大多数国家的社会都分成普通老百姓,以及地主、贵族和统治国家的国王等有权势的人。那时候,每当一个农民或一个普通工人见到这些高官显贵的时候,他们一般都要脱下帽子表示敬意,好像这些人都比他们高一等似的。当然,现在的社会组合已经很不相同了。在当前,hat in hand的含义很简单。意思就是:在逼不得已的情况下去求人帮忙,然而又感到难以开口、很难堪。下面就是一个例子:
例句-1: With our new baby and my wife sick, my paycheck just isn't enough for my family to live on. With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.
例句2: I like my job as university president. But I don't like to go out hat in hand begging for money. Unfortunately, though, this is the most important part of my job. Otherwise the school simply couldn't survive.
现在我们来讲今天要给大家介绍的第二个习惯用语: To wear two hats at a time. To wear就是"穿戴"的意思。To wear two hats at a time就是一个人同时戴两顶帽子。这当然是从字面上来解释。在实际生活中,你碰到过什么人同时戴两顶帽子的吗?恐怕没有吧。但是,你会听到美国人说某人同时戴两顶帽子的。那这是什么意思呢?To wear two hats at a time是指一个人同时担任两个职务。我们来举一个例子吧。
例句3: They're so shorthanded at my cousin Joe's office that he has to wear two hats. He was already a Vice President, but now he is also the treasurer because the old treasurer quit and they can't afford to hire a replacement.
例句4: Since Mike's wife passed away, he's been wearing two hats at home as both father and mother. Not only is he the breadwinner of the family, he also takes care of the children's food and clothes and helps them with their homework.