现在我们先来讲第一个习惯用语。 To bad-mouth. Bad就是好坏的坏。在bad 和 mouth之间有一个连结号。To bad-mouth是一个动词。要是你bad-mouth某个人,你就是说这个人的坏话,企图损坏他的名誉。下面这个例子说明在日常生活中to bad-mouth是怎么用的。这是一个人在说他的朋友萨利。
例句-1: I really get tired of hearing Sally bad-mouth her mother and father. She never says anything good about them, and yet I know they are good decent people who give her everything she wants.
例句2: You'll notice Bonnie's always whispering with someone in the office. She can't stop bad-mouthing other people. One thing Bonnie really enjoys is picking on others.
下面我们再来讲一个跟mouth这个字有关的习惯用语,不过这个习惯用语非常生动。 To shoot one's mouth off. To shoot 就是开枪。To shoot one's mouth off等于是把一个人的嘴巴比作一把上了子弹的枪。大家知道,枪一开就很危险。To shoot one's mouth off 就是一个人为了给在场的人造成深刻的印象而说一些本不应该说的话,而且还唠唠叨叨地说个没完,使别人感到很反感。我们来举一个例子。这是一个公司的总经理在责备他的助手泻露了公司的秘密。
例句3: Jones, why were you stupid enough to shoot your mouth off all over town about our plan to buy enough stock in that company to take it over? Now everybody knows what we're after and the price of the stock has gone up forty percent!
例句4: It's true I told you Janet might be interested in me, but that was only my guess. How could you tell people at the party what I said? If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time, I won't tell you anything in the future.