我们已经讲过好几个以"嘴巴",也就是英文里的mouth这个字为主的习惯用语。今天我们还要给大家介绍两个以mouth为主的习惯用语。第一个是: To put your money where your mouth is. To put your money where your mouth is是一种不很正式的方式告诉别人不要说大话,不如用钱来证明他说的话是确实的,或者是拿出证据,或实是际行动来。在下面这个例子里说话的人有一个朋友。他老是吹牛说他大学里的足球队是如何每次比赛都取胜的。这个人听的都厌烦死了,于是他对这个朋友说:
例句-1: Jack, you're talking big about how great your team is and how bad they'll beat my team Saturday. Okay, let's bet fifty dollars on who wins. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is!
例句-2: The governor of our State talks about the need to improve public education but puts no money where his mouth is. He simply uses education as a reason to raise taxes but he never intends to spend money on it.
大家已经知道在英文里有各种不同的说法表示同意别人的观点。我们在这次节目里要讲的第二个习惯用语就是另一种说法。 You just said a mouthful! Mouthful翻译到中文就是:一口,也就是吃一口饭,或一口菜的一口。但是这个意思跟我们现在讲的这个俗语没有多大关系。You just said a mouthful!的意思是:你说的非常对,也就是称赞说话的人,表示同意。现在我们来举一个例子。这是一个人在赞扬一位竞选连任的参议员所发表的讲话。这个人说:
例句-3: Senator, I want to tell you that you sure said a mouthful when you said taxes are too high and you'd work hard to lower them. Good to hear, and you can certainly count on my vote!
例句-4: Jeff, you said a mouthful! Yes, I've been very weak in the past always trying to avoid trouble; so I put up with a lot. But some people would take advantage of you if you don't stand up for your own rights.