我们今天要讲的第一个习惯用语就是一个例子。 To touch base. To touch就是碰,或者是接触。Base就是基地,或基础。To touch base作为一个俗语,它的意思就是把某一件事的情况告诉有关的人。这个习惯用语是来自美国的棒球运动。但是,它已经成为一个常用语了。意思是跟有关人员进行联系。下面的例子是一个银行负责人在跟一个要借钱的店主在讲话。
例句1: Mister Lee, you have a good credit record and I think we can okay the loan. But I do have to touch base with the head of our loan department for his okay. I'll try to phone you tomorrow.
To touch base虽然在商业界用的很多,但是一般人也经常用。凡是一个人认为有必要跟其他有关的人互通一下情况,使大家都知道这件事的进展和计划,就可以用to touch base来表示。下面这个例子是几个朋友准备一起去旅游,但是日期和路线还没有定。负责安排这次旅行的人在对其他成员说:
例句2: There are several thing we can't decide right now. Mary has to know if her husband wants to join us and I need to consult my wife as to when I can start the trip. Anyway, I'll touch base with you all when I have these answers.
今天我们要讲的第二个习惯用语是当前非常时髦的说法。在一般情况下,我们要是说:吃午饭,那就是: To eat lunch, or to have lunch together.可是,现在不少参加工作的人不说to eat lunch, 而说: To do lunch. Do lunch这个 do是有一定含义的。To do就是做一件事。To do lunch就是表示这顿午饭不是仅仅在一起吃午饭、聊天,而是有正经的事情要讨论。下面是一个例子。这是一个人在马路上碰到一个朋友,他说:
例句3: Charley, good to see you! Say, let's do lunch next week - I have some new ideas I want you to hear. I'll give you a ring tomorrow to set a date.
例句4: Peter, I'm afraid I can't finish the design before the deadline. There are simply too many problems that need to be solved. Let's do lunch today - I desperately need to hear your views.