Lesson 230 - Right on the Mark / Right Up One's Alley
今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语都是以right这个字开始的。英文里有好几个字的发音都是right。比如说,写字的写就是write。但是,它的拚法是:write,而不是right。我们今天要讲的 right, 可以解释为:左右的右,或者是:正确的,也就是:对的。Right这个字每天都可以听到好多次。在这次节目里,我们要讲的第一个习惯用语就是: Right on the mark. Mark在这里的意思是:目标,就像射箭时的目标一样。要是一枝箭射中了目标,那就是说那个射箭的人射得很准。Right on the mark作为俗语,它的意思是某人做的预测非常准确。下面我们来举一个例子。这是一个公司的总裁在谈论他的公司。
例句1: At the start of the year our financial vice president predicted that business would pick up and we'd end up in December making a profit of fifteen percent. And he was right on the mark - it was exactly right.
例句2: I predicted two months ago that Jack would be given the position of manager of our Paris office. See, I was right on the mark. Do you know, Jack's father is a close friend of the Chairman of the board. Sure it helps!
我们今天要讲的第二个习惯用语也是以right这个字开头的。我们先来给大家念一遍。 Right up one's alley. Alley就是很窄的小巷,一般都在大马路的后面。要是你听到谁说: right up one's alley。它的意思就是:很适合他的兴趣或才能。当你在大学上学的时候,很重要的一点是要选择适合你兴趣或你特长的课程。这样好为你未来的事业打好基础。下面我们要举的例子是一个学生在对一个朋友说他下学期的课程。
例句3: One course I know I'll take is advanced computer programming. Funny - a year ago I was afraid of computers. But once I tried, I found that working with a computer is right up my alley.
例句4: My dad is very angry with me because I refuse to take over his business. I have always been interested in medicine and I believe to be a doctor is really right up my alley. I don't know how to convince my father I'm not good at business.